Rely on us for fireplace installation in Byron & Rochester, MN

Stay Warm Next to an Elegant Fireplace

A custom fireplace can be the highlight of your living room. Don't settle for a basic fireplace when you can personalize your home with custom masonry. Turn to Thorn Masonry for fireplace installation services in Byron & Rochester, MN. We can bring your custom designs to life with high-quality stone or brick. Before we complete the installation, we'll give you a pricing estimate.

Contact us today to schedule your fireplace installation.

Enjoy an evening outside by the fire

Enjoy an evening outside by the fire

A fire pit installation is a great choice if you have a deck or a spacious backyard. This stone or brick feature will make your entire yard more appealing while increasing the value of your home. We'll use durable materials and expert craftsmanship to ensure that your installation lasts for years.

Call us today at 507-512-0041 if you have any questions about our fire pit installation process.